We Love the Planet

We Love the Planet

Welcome to Rosy Posy Petal.

We love the planet and want to share our passion with you.  We will try and bring you the very best and most researched environmentally friendly products that we can.

We will always let you know the background behind each product and if the product is suitable for Vegans or Vegetarians will be clearly noted.

Over the coming months, you will be able to find more and more exquisite products and goodies, so if you can't see anything today, please keep coming back to check for updates.

If there is something that you would like us to stock, or if you are a brand that would like to be featured on our website, then please send us a message.  We are also, always looking for handmade artisans to feature.

We are a family led business, and rely on wonderful people like yourselves to spread the word, so please, if you can, share our website and blog posts as much as you can.

We are eternally grateful to everyone that helps our planet.


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  • Judith Blackford
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