Celebrate World Bamboo Day with us

Celebrate World Bamboo Day with us

Did you know that today is World Bamboo Day?

It is often overlooked that Bamboo is actually a grass, and did you know that it was here on this earth millions of years before we were on this planet, and it will probably outlive the human race.  This wonderful plant can survive the most extreme conditions from deep deep cold, to horrifically heat and was even one of the only surviving plantations through Hiroshima! How crazy is that! really are amazing!

There are, indeed, over a thousand varieties of Bamboo, from tiny ground loving types, to types that grow to over 35ft.  This type of bamboo can grow up to 3ft per day! Imagine that!  I reckon you would be able to see it growing before your eyes.

Bamboo is amazingly versatile, and is incredibly useful. It is simply put, just beautiful.

Bamboo can be turned into so many different uses, and is in the right conditions incredibly sustainable.

So why don't we become Bamboo Buddies and change the way we shop and live......with Bamboo's versatility, we can see it being transformed into coffee cups, cutlery, straws, flooring and even fabric.

Let's do it for Bamboo and the Planet.

#worldbambooday #bamboo #ecofriendly

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  • Judith Taylor
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