Vegan Vegetable Soup Recipe

Do any of you like soup? I love to make a vegetable soup - and Vegan too!
I use any vegetable really, but do think about the colour of the veg.....if you don't like green soup, stay away from adding broccoli
Yesterday I used:
2 parsnips
1 carrot
1 leak, or as much as you like to taste
1 courgette (straight out of the allotment)
Fresh Chilli out of the garden....only put in as much as you like and make sure to take the seeds tends to get hotter while standing.
1/2 cup red lentils
1 vegetable stock cube - if you are looking for the vegan recipe, just make sure your stock cube is suitable.
1 litre of water
This is really, really easy.
Just chop the veg and pop it into a large saucepan to boil until the veg is soft and cooked through. It can all go in together.
The really important bit is to let it cool down before you pop it into a blender or nutribullet.....I have been know to blow up the blender and have soup all over the kitchen and me!!! Lol!!!
But yes, when it's cool, pop it in the blender and whiz away.
It's delicious served with some ciabatta or sourdough bread, and if you want to be fancy, you can pop a swirl of cream fraiche or a vegan alternative to make it really creamy.
Really, you can be as creative as you like! I have even popped in the leftovers of a Ratatouille from the night before's dinner, and it worked perfectly as an added extra.
Enjoy!!! ☺️
- Judith Taylor
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